“…Wa ter from these res er voirs is charac ter ized by phys i cal and chem i cal prop erties sim i lar to those found in the work ings of the Wieoeciszowice mine. Chem i cal char acter is tics men tioned by Sánchez-EspaÔa et al (2008) vary from neu tral, with rel a tively low metal con tent, e.g., the Los Frailes res er voir (pH = 7.2, 0.07 mg Fe l -1 ) to ex tremely acid such as the Corta Atalaya with pH = 1.2, iron 608 Andrzej Borkowski, Jan Parafiniuk, Dorota Wolicka and Pawe³ Kowalczyk Ge netic anal y sis (16S rRNA) of the bac te rial com mu nity from slime stream ers iso lated from drain age of the mine nearby the Pur ple Pond con tent (36.7 g l -1 ) and cop per con tent (1.3 g l -1 ). Most of these bas ins are, how ever, typ i cal acid res er voirs with pH within 2.2-3.6 (Sánchez-EspaÔa et al, 2008), for which in ter est ing micro bi o log i cal in ves ti ga tions were also pre sented.…”