Golgi silver impregnation techniques remain ideal methods for the visualization of the neurons as a whole in formalin fixed brains and paraffin sections, enabling to obtain insight into the morphological and morphometric characters of the dendritic arbor, and the estimation of the morphology of the spines and the spinal density, since they delineate the profile of nerve cells with unique clarity and precision. In addition, the Golgi technique enables the study of the topographic relationships between neurons and neuronal circuits in normal conditions, and the following of the spatiotemporal morphological alterations occurring during degenerative processes. The Golgi technique has undergone many modifications in order to be enhanced and to obtain the optimal and maximal visualization of neurons and neuronal processes, the minimal precipitations, the abbreviation of the time required for the procedure, enabling the accurate study and description of specific structures of the brain. In the visualization of the sequential stages of the neuronal degeneration and death, the Golgi method plays a prominent role in the visualization of degenerating axons and dendrites, synaptic “boutons,” and axonal terminals and organelles of the cell body. In addition, new versions of the techniques increases the capacity of precise observation of the neurofibrillary degeneration, the proliferation of astrocytes, the activation of the microglia, and the morphology of capillaries in autopsy material of debilitating diseases of the central nervous system.