Dynamic actin networks generate forces for numerous types of movements such as lamellipodia protrusion or the motion of endocytic vesicles. The actin-based propulsive movement of Listeria monocytogenes or of functionalized microspheres have been extensively used as model systems to identify the biochemical components that are necessary for actin-based motility. However, quantitative force measurements are required to elucidate the mechanism of force generation, which is still under debate. To directly probe the forces generated in the process of actin-based propulsion, we developed a micromanipulation experiment. A comet growing from a coated polystyrene bead is held by a micropipette while the bead is attached to a force probe, by using a specially designed ''flexible handle.'' This system allows us to apply both pulling and pushing external forces up to a few nanonewtons. By pulling the actin tail away from the bead at high speed, we estimate the elastic modulus of the gel and measure the force necessary to detach the tail from the bead. By applying a constant force in the range of Ű1.7 to 4.3 nN, the force-velocity relation is established. We find that the relation is linear for pulling forces and decays more weakly for pushing forces. This behavior is explained by using a dimensional elastic analysis.T he growth of a polymer against a barrier is a general mechanism for production of force in cell biology (1). Spatially controlled polymerization of actin is responsible for a large variety of changes in cell shape leading to cell movement, like the protrusion of the lamellipodium (2), or the intracellular propulsion of vesicles (3, 4) and pathogens (5, 6). Actin assembly in these processes is controlled by various proteins present in the cytoplasm, which have been identified over the last 10 years (see refs. 7 and 8 for review). It is now well established that the Arp2Í3 complex associates with Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASp) family proteins to create new filaments locally by branching them (9), thus generating the dendritic organization of the actin array (10, 11). Because pure actin treadmilling is too slow to account for polymerization speed observed in these systems, this process has to be speeded up by regulatory proteins (8). One experimental model that has been used widely for the identification of these proteins is the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes, which are propelled inside cells by actin polymerization. The minimal subset of proteins necessary and sufficient to reconstitute the Listeria movement has been identified (12). In addition to Arp2Í3 and actin, the regulatory proteins ADFÍ cofilin, profilin, and a capping protein are necessary to enhance the efficiency of treadmilling (13) and control the life time and average length of filaments (14, 15). The essential role of these proteins has been confirmed recently (16) in vivo by using a RNA interference strategy.Biomimetic systems are useful for analyzing the physical aspects of actin-based motility. Listeria movement can be mimicked by fun...