1965) have shown that chlorpromazine effectively blocks ovulation in the ewe when administered immediately after the animals had become sexually receptive. From the results of Robertson & Rakha (1966) it appears that the suppressive action of chlorpromazine was very likely related to the blockade of the ovulatory release of luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs at this time. Their results indicate also that there is a discharge of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the pituitary prior to oestrus, and it can be postulated that it is this discharge that precipitates the onset of oestrus. It was of interest to determine whether chlorpromazine when given over the normal period of release of FSH would block the onset of sexual receptivity in the ewe.Twelve intact, cyclic, Cheviot ewes were maintained under prolonged (72 hr.) sedation with chlorpromazine, the treatment starting at the beginning of the 15th day of the cycle, i.e. 36 hr. before the time of the expected onset of sexual receptivity, and ending 36 hr. after. An initial i.m. dose of 12 mg. chlorpromazine/kg. was given, followed by 4 mg./kg. i.m., every 6 hr. None of the 12 ewes showed oestrous behaviour during the period of sedation, i.e. the 15th-18th day of the cycle.Although the failure of the animals to come into oestrus could be attributed to a block in the mechanism leading to the release of the oestrus-inducing pituitary gonadotrophin(s), it was realized that chlorpromazine might also block the ability of oestrogen itself to induce behavioural oestrus. It was decided to test whether chlorpromazine inhibits the onset of oestrus, in oestrogen-treated, ovariectomized ewes.Six ovariectomized ewes were treated with progesterone for 12 days (20 mg. i.m. every 2 days) followed by a single i.m. injection of 25 pg. 17/?-oestradiol monobenzoate 48 hr. after the last dose of progesterone. Five of the six ewes showed oestrous behaviour, i.e. they accepted mating 22-36 hr. after the injection of oestradiol. One ewe remained anoestrous and was discarded. After a week's rest the remaining five ovariectomized ewes received the same steroid treatment, with chlorpromazine sedation from 18-22 hr. before, until 48 hr. after, the oestradiol injection. An initial * Present address :