Contra Chomsky (2007, 2008), this paper argues that there is no Φ‐dependency between C0 and T0 in Jordanian Arabic (JA) grammar. C0 and T0 are independently endowed with uΦ‐content, something that turns them into active probes, which are shown to not necessarily agree with the same goal. This provides evidence for a proposal where T0 and C0 have distinct uΦ‐features (Haegeman & van Koppen 2012). The study also shows that C0 in JA, unlike T0, may agree with a goal whose structural Case is already valued. We account for this variation following Oxford's (2017) microparametric proposal where the Activity Condition is a property of a particular functional head, rather than a property of the language as a whole. With respect to T0's Φ‐endowment, this study proposes that such endowment is a consequence of setting a positive value of the postulated T0‐Φ Parameter, which distinguishes languages where T0 is endowed with Φ‐features from those where it is not. This accounts for the observation that T0 is always inflected for Φ‐agreement in JA, even in situations where C0 is not projected.