Torpid common dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius) were found in nestboxes during all the activity period from early April until late October. Prevalence of torpor among dormice was highest in spring, decreased considerably in summer and increased again in October. The proportion of adult dormice that were torpid was inversely related to mean monthly air temperature, except in September, when dormice prepare for hibernation by accumulating fat reserves. In spring and summer, torpid dormice were found when ambient temperature was up to 14-15 1C and in the arousal phase of torpor -up to 19-20 1C. In autumn, dormice were active at much lower ambient temperatures compared to spring and summer, and only dormice that were fat enough and ready for hibernation were torpid. Torpor bouts usually lasted only until noon, but also in the afternoon during persistently low ambient temperatures in April and October. In April-July, torpor was more frequent among adult males than females (75% vs. 46%), and pregnant females were never found in deep torpor. Prevalence of torpor among young-of-the-year was lower compared to adult dormice at the same time. In October, the average weight of torpid young-of-the-year dormice was significantly higher compared to the weight of active dormice (22.3 vs. 17.5 g).