The phenological development of nine Chilean accessions of Medicago polymorpha, collected along a north±south aridity gradient, and of two commercial cultivars of the same species, were compared in 12 sequential outdoor sowings at Cauquenes (35858 H S, 72817 H W, elev. 177 m), in the sub-humid Mediterranean climate zone of Chile. A glasshouse experiment was also conducted to evaluate the eect of photoperiod on phenophase timing. There was a clear gradient in precocity among the Chilean accessions in both experiments: accessions MPO-9-88 and MPO-7-88, from the arid zone, were the earliest-¯owering accessions, whereas MPO-36-88 from the humid Mediterranean zone was the latest. Both experiments revealed signi®cant variation among the Chilean accessions in the response of owering time to variation in photoperiod regime. Dierences in days to¯owering between the least-(8 h) and the most-(16 h) inductive photoperiods were lower in precocious accessions from arid and semi-arid zones, than in lateowering accessions from more humid zones. Rate of progress to¯owering, de®ned as the inverse of time from emergence to ®rst¯ower appearance (1/f), was related to mean diurnal temperature, or to both mean diurnal temperature and mean photoperiod. In two early-¯owering accessions from the arid zone, and in the Australian cultivar`Circle Valley', 1/f was aected signi®cantly (P 5 0 . 05) by both temperature and photoperiod. In the remaining accessions, no signi®cant responses to temperatures were detected; 1/f was in¯uenced signi®cantly by photoperiod only.# 2000 Annals of Botany Company