Using electromagnetic field angular momentum conservation law in a form of balance equation, which relates
the angular momentum density, the angular momentum flux density and caused by the anisotropy of the
medium torque density in nonabsorbing media, we obtained the formulas for the densities of the orbital
and spin parts of the angular momentum and the flux densities of this quantities in case of interaction of
monochromatic waves in nonabsorbing medium with spatial dispersion demonstrating n-th order nonlinear
optical response to the external light field. In media without spatial and frequency dispersion the obtained
expressions coinside with the canonical expressions for the densities and flux densities of the orbital and
spin parts of angular momentum. The additional terms to the greatest components among the spin parts of
angular momentum and its flux related to nonlinearity of the medium may reach ten percent of their linear
parts during self-focusing of the elliptically polarized Gaussian laser beam in isotropic gyrotropic medium
near the area of its collapse.