A monopole antenna excited by a coaxial line is studied in detail. The mathematical model of the excitation is a magnetic ring current the radius of which may be larger than the radius of the cylinder. First a study is made of the waves guided by and radiated from an infinite cylinder. Numerical results for the current and the conductance are given. The conductance decreases when the gap width increases.The standing-wave antenna is treated with an assumed effective gap at the antenna ends. A solution of the antenna problem is found by superimposing the !Ilyltiply reflected waves. In the solution,, the effect of the gap and the antenna end separates. Accurate values for the gap admittance and the end admittance are derived from experimental values obtained by Hartig.
. IntroductionThe subject of metallic cylindrical antennas has been treated extensively in the past. It suffices here to refer to recent treatments and reviews by King (1956) and Duncan and Hinchey (1960). As soon as the assumption of an infinitely thin antenna is abandoned, a great deal of complexity arises because a finite cylinder cannot be treated in a simple way as a boundary value problem in electrodynamics. Even if this were possible there is still the problem of coupling the isolated cylinder in a meaningful way to a transmission line. This problem is generally known as the gap problem. Almost all existing theories use a delta-function gap which results in an infinity in the susceptance and this infinity is then circumvented in a ~ore or less arbitrary manner (see e.g., Duncan, 1962;Hallen 1953Hallen , 1962.Theories like King-Middleton's second-order theory that forces the current to be a modification of a sinusoidal distribution right into the gap imply a gap of nonzero width. It is often stated that values extrapolated from experiments with decreasing values of gap width should be compared with zero-width theory. Actually the limit does not exist and we see later that King-Middleton's second-order theory implies a width of the order of the radius of the antenna.Solutions based on iterative solutions to an integral equation, Fourier-series solutions, and direct numerical solutions using large computers have their advantages but are difficult to interpret physically. When this is the case, the separation of the source problem from the antenna-end problem is almost impossible;. to foresee what happens is difficult when the antenna is placed in another environment such as a dielectric coating.The concept adhered to in this paper is that of traveling waves along the cylinder. These waves are most easily studied on the infinite cylinder that represents a solvable boundary value problem. To take into account the transmission line antenna coupling, the antenna model chosen is a monopole over a ground plane where the cylindrical antenna is a continuation of the inner conductor in the feeding coaxial line. The true source for the radiated field is then an incoming TEM wave in the coaxial line. From the opening in the ground plane the energy radiates u...