1 4-Diphenylacetoxy-N-cyclohexylmethyl-piperidine HCO (hexahydro-benz-4DAP) is more active as an antagonist of carbachol at receptors in guinea-pig isolated ileum, log K (pA2) = 6.64± 0.14 (s.e. 7 results), than at receptors in guinea-pig isolated atria, log K= 5.43 + 0.14 (7). In the presence of neostigmine bromide (0.2 Mm) the value for atria was 5.62+0.19 (4), so the lower activity on atria cannot be attributed to hydrolysis of the compound by cholinesterases present in this tissue. 2 The limit of solubility of the free base in Krebs solution (pH 7.6) is about 50 yM for both hexahydrobenz-4DAP and benzyl-fourdapine (benz-4DAP).3 In experiments on guinea-pig isolated ileum with hexahydro-benz-4DAP given together with 4-DAMP methobromide, the combined dose-ratio was consistent with competition: similar results were obtained with benz-4DAP. 4 In rats anaesthetized with pentobarbitone, hexahydro-benz-4DAP antagonized the effects of bethanechol on blood-pressure in doses that had little effect on heart rate or airflow. There was a limit to the effect which could be obtained, however, and the slopes of the Schild plots were less than one. The effects on rat blood-pressure had a half-life of at least 30 min. 5 In similar experiments with zamifenacin the slopes of the Schild plots were close to 1 and the compound was 10 to 20 times as active on blood-pressure at it was on heart-rate. 6 The limited solubility of the base probably accounts for the flat Schild plots obtained with hexahydro-benz-4DAP, which had about 10 fold selectivity for effects on blood-pressure and was more active than expected from tests on isolated ileum.