There are two approaches of software development and their combination that have attracted a lot of interest from the research community lately. The first is the Distributed/Global Software Development, which entails development in multiple geographically dispersed sites. The second approach is the Agile Software Development, which incorporates an evolving development process for better adaptation to changing environments and requirements. Their combination is a challenging topic due to a lot of contradicting characteristics. In this paper, the successful communication between remote sites and especially the communication of requirements in an Agile Distributed Software Development process are investigated. The research is based on a case study at Cegeka, a Belgium ICT company with branches in the Netherlands and Romania. The Dutch and Romanian sites are engaged in agile global software development practice, facing a situation with requirements understanding. Enhancement of the awareness of the vision of the product and the vision of the company through the communication of requirements between the Business Analyst and the Scrum Master is the main challenge that this paper aims to address. However, due to the limited information we have on how the Scrum Master and the Business Analyst from Cegeka communicate, we cannot give very specific answer but just a general solution and best practices. Nonetheless it should be a good starting point for improving requirements communication within the distributed software development process between the Romanian and the Dutch sites of Cegeka.
AbstrakAda dua pendekatan pengembangan perangkat lunak dan kombinasi dari kedua pendekatan tersebut menjadi bahan yang menarik banyak minat komunitas riset akhir-akhir ini. Kedua pendekatan dimaksud yaitu pengembangan perangkat lunak metode Distributed/Global, yang digunakan untuk lokasi yang tersebar secara geografis, serta pengembangan perangkat lunak metode Agile, yang dapat dengan mudah beradaptasi terhadap perubahan lingkungan dan kebutuhan. Kombinasi kedua pendekatan tersebut menjadi tantangan karena banyak karakteristik yang saling bertentangan. Dalam tulisan ini, diamati proses komunikasi yang berhasil antara dua daerah yang berjauhan, utamanya terkait kebutuhan dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak agile distributed. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus di Cegeka, sebuah perusahaan TIK milik Belgia yang memiliki cabang di Belanda dan Rumania. Daerah Belanda dan Rumania telah mencoba praktik agile global software development, namun pemahaman akan kebutuhannya belum sama. Peningkatan kesadaran akan visi produk dan visi perusahaan melalui komunikasi terkait kebutuhan antara Analis Bisnis dan Scrum Master adalah tantangan utama yang ingin disampaikan makalah ini. Namun, karena terbatasnya informasi terkait bagaimana Scrum Master dan Analis Bisnis dari Cegeka berkomunikasi, penelitian ini tidak dapat memberikan jawaban yang sangat spesifik namun solusi umum dan praktik terbaik. Meskipun demikian, hal ini menjadi titik awal yang baik unt...