Despite numerous superhuman achievements in complex challenges, standalone AI does not free life science from the long-term bottleneck of linearly extracting new knowledge from exponentially growing new data, severely limiting the success rate of drug discovery. Inspired by the state-of-the-art AI training methods, we trained a human-centric hybrid augmented intelligence (HAI) to learn a foundation model6 that extracts all-encompassing knowledge of human physiology and diseases. To evaluate the quality of HAI's extracted knowledge, we designed the public, prospective prediction of pivotal ongoing clinical trial outcomes at large scale (PROTOCOLS) challenge to benchmark HAI's real-world performance of predicting drug clinical efficacy without access to human data. HAI achieved a 10.5-fold improvement from the baseline with 99% confidence in the PROTOCOLS validation, readily increasing the average clinical success rate of investigational new drugs from 7.9% to 90% for almost any human diseases. The validated HAI confirms that exponentially extracted knowledge alone is sufficient for accurately predicting drug clinical efficacy, effecting a total reversal of Eroom's aw. HAI is also the world's first clinically validated model of human aging that could substantially speed up the discovery of preventive medicine for all age-related diseases. Our results demonstrate that disruptive breakthroughs necessitate the smallest team size to attain the largest HAI for optimal knowledge extraction from high-dimensional low-quality data space, thus establishing the first prospective proof of the previous discovery that small teams disrupt. The global adoption of training HAI provides a well-beaten economic path to mass-produce scientific and technological breakthroughs via exponential knowledge extraction and better designs of data labels for training better performing AI.