Diverse Quaternary surficial deposits are widely distributed throughout the quadrangle but have not been separately studied or mapped. Only major areas of distribution are shown and their delineation has been inferred mainly from the examination of aerial photographs.
Qag^DIFFERENTIATED SURFICIAL DEPOSITS Includes mainly alluvium, tidal mudflat, and glaciofluvial deposits BEDROCKS Ts CONGLOMERATE, SANDSTONE, AND CONGLOMERATIC SANDSTONE (Eocene?) At Coal Bay, located on the south shore of Kasaan Bay, rocks consist of light-gray to buff graywacke-type sandstone that contains carbonized logs with branches still attached. Two kilometers to the northeast, at the head of Little Coal Bay, conglomerate and conglomeratic sandstone containing cobbles and boulders of diorite and subordinate black argillite of local derivation are interbedded with graywacke that contains a few discontinuous flat-lying seams of lignitic coal a few inches thick. In the valley of Lava Creek, at head of Thorne Bay, deltaic conglomerate contains abundant pebbles and cobbles of locally derived argillite, gneiss, trachyte and amygdaloidal lava, biotite granite, schist and chert in a lithified matrix that contains rounded clasts of quartz, orthoclase, and microcline in addition to small fragments of the lithologies of the rocks listed. The conglomerate is cut by pitchstone dikes. Northeast of Clarence Strait, similarly constituted and probably correlative conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and shale, with minor lignite occur on northeastern Eagle Island and south of Union Point, the northeast headland of Union Bay. Field relations suggest deposition as alluvial fans, piedmont gravels and deltas at the mouths of steep gradient streams that drained terranes of considerable relief (Buddington and Chapin, 1929, p. 267; Sainsbury, 1961, p. 328). Tentative Eocene age assignment based on (1) the presence of igneous and metamorphic detritus in the Prince of Wales Island conglomerates believed to have been derived from a provenance of Middle Cretaceous age, and (2) the possible correlation between the pitchstone dikes that cut the Ts unit in the valley of Lava Creek with rhyolitic detritus abundant in Eocene rocks north of the Craig quadrangle (Sainsbury, 1961, p. 328). Probably not more than 30 m thick NORTHEAST OF CLARENCE STRAIT SEDIMENTARY ROCKS MzPzsm METASEDIMENTARY ROCKS (Mesozoic or upper Paleozoic) Thinly bedded phyllitic mudstone, siltstone, sandstone, grit, conglomerate, and minor limestone. Phyllitic rocks grade transitionally Kum DUNITE, PYROXENITE AND PERIDOTITE (Cretaceous) Ultramafic complex. Pipe and lopolith of hornblende pyroxenite, pyroxenite, olivine pyroxenite, peridotite, and dunite. Pipe and lopolith are C. W. Merriam, written commun., 1973 C. W. Merriam, written commun., 1973