Abstract. From 2015 to 2018 four field experiments (seven legs) were performed in the Western Mediterranean basin during winter or early
spring. The main objectives were the assessment of high-resolution
modeling and the observation of mesoscale structure and associated
ageostrophic dynamics. Thanks to the intensive use of a towed vehicle
undulating in the upper oceanic layer between 0 and 400 m depth (SeaSoar), a large number of very high resolution hydrographic transects
(total length about 10 000 km) were measured, observing mesoscale
dynamics (slope current and its instabilities, anticyclonic eddies,
submesoscale coherent vortices, frontal dynamics, convection events, strait
outflows) and submesoscale processes like stirring, mixed-layer or symmetric
instabilities. When available, the data were completed with velocities
recorded by a vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (VMADCP) and by
surface salinity and temperature recorded by a thermosalinograph (TSG).
Classical full-depth CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) stations were also used, providing the background hydrography of the deeper layers
when focusing on peculiar structures. In 2017, a free-fall profiler (MVP-200; MVP – moving vessel profiler) was deployed to manage even higher horizontal resolutions. In
2018, another free-fall profiler (a rapidCAST) was tested. When
available, biological sensors (chlorophyll a, turbidity, dissolved oxygen,
etc.) were used. They provided useful complementary observations
about the circulation. This dataset is an unprecedented opportunity to
investigate the very fine scale processes, as the Mediterranean Sea is known
for its intense and contrasting dynamics. It should be useful for modellers
(who reduce the grid size below a few hundred meters) and should properly
resolve finer-scale dynamics. Likewise, theoretical work could also be
illustrated by in situ evidence embedded in this dataset. The data are
available through the SEANOE repository at: https://doi.org/10.17882/62352 (Dumas et al., 2018).