This study reports data on the personality characteristics of alcoholics in two stages of recovery (short and long term). Three samples (total N = 183) were used in this study: (a) 60 newly recovered alcoholics (30 males and 30 females with at least 3 weeks but less than 4 months of sobriety); (b) 62 long-term recovered alcoholics (31 males and 31 females with a minimum of 4 years of continuous sobriety and a mean length of sobriety of 8.9 years); and (c) 61 nonalcoholic controls (30 males and 31 females who reported moderate to infrequent or no use of alcohol). All subjects were administered the California Psychological Inventory and a biographical data sheet. A multivariate analysis of variance was used to test the significance of group differences on the personality variables, and a multiple discriminant analysis was conducted to determine the most discriminating dimensions for differentiating among the three groups. The results of the analysis clearly indicate the existence of differential patterns of psychological adjustment at each stage of recovery.Early research on the personality characteristics of alcoholics focused on the identification of a single alcoholic personality type. The results of this research effort were generally disappointing (Sutherland, Schroeder, & Tordella, 1950; Syme, 1957), and the need for alternative conceptualizations are obvious. Recent research studies have tended to focus on the identification and classification of personality patterns common to alcoholics (Goldstein & Linden, 1969;Lawlis & Rubin,