). The kinetics and equilibria involved in the aldol condensation of acetone, acting as carbon acid, and acetophenone have been studied in aqueous alkaline solution. The enone isolated is the E isomer. The reactions are all first order in hydroxide, with rate and equilibrium constants (defined for E-enone as initial compound) of: k12 = (5. There is an equilibration of the two enones in base that is faster than hydration to the ketol: k14 = (3.14 f 0.8455To analyze the behavior of the enone:ketol equililbrium system in acid we simultaneously fitted analytical data for all three species (E-enone, Z-enone, and ketol) to a kinetic model, so that the rate constants were determined by the best fit to all of the data for an experiment.
J . PETER GUTHRIE et XIAO-PING W A N G .Can [Traduit par la rkdaction]