To simulate echoes from the earth’s surface in the low flight mode, it is necessary to reproduce reliably the delayed reflected sounding signal of the radar in real time. For this, it is necessary to be able to calculate accurately and quickly the dependence of the distance to the object being measured from the angular position of the line of sight of the radar station. Obviously, the simplest expressions for calculating the range can be obtained for a segment or a plane. In the text of the article, analytical expressions for the calculation of range for two-dimensional and three-dimensional cases are obtained. Methods of statistical physics, vector algebra, and the theory of the radar of extended objects were used. Since the calculation of the dependence of the range of the object to the target from the angular position of the line of sight is carried out on the analytical expressions found in the paper, the result obtained is accurate, and due to the relative simplicity of the expressions obtained, the calculation does not require much time.