Pesticides represent a very large input of chemicals into our environment (Crosby 1981). The use of pesticides has assumed considerable significance in modern agricultural practices. However, screening of pesticides in different assay systems revealed that some pesticides could have known or unknow mutagenic/carcinogenic effects on the non-target biological systems (Epstein and Legator 1971, Fishbein 1972, Grant 1978. In this context an attempt was made to assess the cytological effects of four pesticides viz., asulum, MSMA, chlorpyriphos and endosulfan using an amenable plant assay system-Allium test (Constantin and Owens 1982, Sharma 1983) and the results are reported here.
Material and methodsRoot meristems raised from common onion (Allium cepa L. 2n=16) were used as assay system. Four pesticides tested in this study are two herbicides viz., asulum (Methyl (4-amino phenyl sulfonyl) carbamate and MSMA (Mono-sodium acid methane arsonate) and two insecticides viz., chlorpyriphos (O, O-diethyl-O-(3, 5, 6-trichloro-2-pyridyl) phosphorothioate) and endosulfan (1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7-hexachloro-8, 9, 10-trinorborn-5-en-2, 3, ylendi methyl sul phite). Prior to the initiation of the experiment, treatment solutions were prepared by dis solving the test compounds (by volume) in 1-2 drops of acetone and subsequently diluting in distilled water. The range of test concentrtations selected was below the cytotoxic threshold of each chemical (by LD50 method) to the test system. Root meristems of 2-3cm length were exposed to the test solutions of different concentra tions for one hour followed by recovery periods of 0, 4, 12, 24 and 48 hours in Hoagland's nutrient solution adjusted to pH 7. Water controls were maintained simultaneously in order to compare the spontaneous aberrations. After the exposure and recovery regimen the root tips were excised, fixed in 3:1 ethanol-acetic acid and stained by the Feulgen method (Darling ton and La Cour 1976). For metaphase studies, both the treated and untreated material were pretreated with 0.05% colchicine for 21 hours, washed and fixed at the end of recovery schedule. For each variable, 5-6 root tip squashes were made and a minimum of 600 cells at anaphase/metaphase were counted in order to assess the clastogenic and turbagenic (Brogger 1979) manifestations.
ObservationsThe results are summarised in Tables 1-4. Mitotic index was slightly lowered by all the pesticidal treatments except with endosulfan, where the mitotic activity was higher (Table 4).In the present study MSMA induced wide-range clastogenic effects like chromosomal and chromatic breaks, 'subchromatid' (interchromatid) connections and heteromorphic chromo somes at metaphase; chromatin bridges and chromosome fragmentation at anaphase (Table 2 and Figs. 1-4). In MSMA and chlorpyriphos treatments, cells containing micronuclei were