Phytoplankton species show a wide range of diversity in their morphometric characters, even among closely related genera within the same phylogenetic division (Huszar & Caraco 1998). This morphometric diversity may be the result of physiological adaptation to different environmental conditions (Margalef 1958). Thus, there has been considerable interest in classifying phytoplanktonic organisms into groups according to their morphometric characters, in order to understand the relationship between phytoplankton composition and environmental constraints. Reynolds (1997) has adapted Grime's (1973) scheme for terrestrial vegetation in 1973 to propose a framework for the morphological-functional description of phytoplankton composition, and in which organisms are partitioned in relation to three major strategies (R-, C-and Sstrategists), and which is very useful in explaining the phytoplankton dynamics in a given water body.Phytoplankton are also a main component of pelagic ecosystems, since they are a primary source of energy in aquatic food webs (Hutchinson 1967) and because phytoplankton size and shape play an important role in determining its availability to particular grazing animals. Phytoplankters can alter their size and shape with changing physical conditions, such as light intensity, nutrient deficiency, mixing etc., as well as for the avoidance of predator pressure. Cell size also influences algal growth rates. Reynolds (1984) stated that cell size and shape influence on the metabolic activity that underpins cell growth. The general rule is that the smaller the cell, the greater is the surface/volume ratio and so is its relative rate of nutrient uptake. Therefore, nutrient availability in a lake may have a direct effect on phytoplankton composition and biomass and, together with changes in physical conditions, may lead to changes in species dominance from ones having higher surface/ volume ratios to ones with lower S/V and vice versa. Long-term studies on phytoplankton composition give a good idea about temporal changes that have occurred in the character of a lake. Lake Sapanca, a natural waterbody located 80 km east of Istanbul, does not have a long history of phytoplankton studies. Records Phytoplankton dynamics and morphological plasticity were studied in an oligo-mesotrophic lake from late spring to early autumn in 2004 on a weekly to bi-weekly basis. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of environmental constraints on morphological plasticity and size structure of dominant species through the stratified period of the lake. While centric diatoms developed mainly in the epilimnion, Fragilaria crotonensis, Synedra sp. and Synedra acus were very well distributed through the whole water column, as was the cryptophyte Plagioselmis nannoplanctica. A filamentous cyanobacterium, Planktothrix rubescens, was stratified in the metalimnion throughout the sampling period, while Mougeotia sp. was entrained through the whole water column during the early autumn. Surface area / volume (S/V) ratios were calculated fo...