For a prime p, we determine a Sylow p-subgroup D of a finite group G such that the principal p-block B of G has four irreducible ordinary characters. It has been determined already for the cases where the number is up to three by work by R. Brauer, J. Brandt, and V.A. Belonogov 30 years ago. Our proof relies on the classification of finite simple groups.Theorem 1.1. Suppose that the principal p-block of a finite group G contains precisely four irreducible ordinary characters. Then a Sylow p-subgroup of G has order 4 or 5.Remark 1.2. It should be noted that Theorem 1.1 is nothing but an immediate consequence of the Alperin-McKay conjecture for principal blocks, the cyclic defect theory, and the half of Brauer's height zero conjecture (see [16,23]).