The pericondcnsed henzenoid hydrocarbtm (Uithantlirene {dibenz.ol\\c\,\xw\ojclirysene, dibetizolcL\,\\^jpyretu'i was investigated by UV-VIS and IR linear dlchroistn (L!^) spectroscopy in stretchedpolyerhyteui', by UV-VIS magnetic circular dichtoiini (MCD) spectroscopy, and by Jltiorescence polarization anlsotmpy measurements. The combitied results led to a detailed experimental ciiaracterization of electronic transitions in the near-UV and visible regions, with determination of polarization directions. In particular, the results allowed an unambiguous assignment ofthe weak Li, transition (corresponding to Ctar's a-band), in spite ofoveriap with the ntttch sttonger L,, transition (Clar's p-bttnd). This assignment, which is at variance with a previous suggestion, was supported by a study of solvent and temperature shifts. The e.xperimental results were compared with theoretical 23 24 C. Johannessen et ai ptedictions using the LCOAO procedure. E.xcellent agreentent with observed transitions was obtained, including transition moment directions and MCD signs. The theoretical {tnalysis revealed a signifwaut bteakdown ofthe altetttattt pairing sytnmetryfor atuhatithrene, correspottding to AHOMO > ALUMO, Sittiilar to benzol a Ipyt ene, atuhanthrene can be classified as a positive-hard MCD chtvntophore in Michl's tertnmology.