During the GS21 cruise, in October 2021, a high-resolution subbottom profiler (SBP) survey was conducted focusing on the volcanic front around the Tokara Islands using R/V Shinyo Maru (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology) to obtain geological information on the shallow subbottom structure in this area. In this paper, we summarize the shallow subbottom structure around Higashi-Shin Sone, the southern area of Gajashima Island, the Gogo Sone area, and the Amami Trough near the Tokara Islands revealed by SBP surveys. The area around Higashi-Shin Sone and the southern area of the Gajashima Island tend to have fewer faults and submarine volcanoes than the area around Gogo Sone, and the sedimentary layers consisting of stratified structures are well developed. Around Gogo Sone, depressions and stepped bathymetry, probably caused by faults, have developed, and topographic highs that are thought to be submarine volcanoes have been recognized between the islands. In the Amami Trough, a reflective surface characterized by sand waves has been observed on the northern slope of Oshima-Shin Sone. In addition, the bedding plane of the sedimentary sequence has been exposed as in a cuesta, which is a type of erosion morphology, in some places due to erosion.