AIEE has appointed a working group to make a study covering extra-high-voltage substations. This study covers the design, construction, and installation of substations for operation at voltages of 287 kv and over, both in the United States and Canada It is intended to cover existing, as well as projected, installations.Because of the extent of this project and its numerous ramifications, it was considered best to break it down into a number of divisions and to assign to individual members the treatment of only one of the various subjects involved. This report covers the treatment of the subject of bus considerations,
Purpose and ScopeIt is well known that systems of this type' are widely scattered both in the United States and in Canada. Such a wide geographical range will influence the design, arrangement, and other features of the substation. Among the factors affecting substation layout are climatic conditions, such as extremes of temperature; rain, snow, and sleet storms; isoceraunic levels; proximity to urban communities; exposure to contamination; and even the frequency and severity of earthquake disturbances. It is the purpose of this paper to report on current practice in the design and operation of substations in the area considered and to present a bibliography on the subject.It was decided to seek the desired information through the questionnaire method. A questionnaire was prepared and distributed to seven utilities, one Paper 56-706, recommended by the AIEE Substations Committee and approved by the AIEE Committee on Technical Operations for presentation at base-metal producer, (known to generate power and transmit it in this voltage range), and one to a consulting engineering organization. Six replies were received containing information on the high-voltage substation practices of the organization concerned.