We have performed
a database survey and a structural and computational
study of the potential and the limitations of halogenopyridinium cations
as halogen bond donors. The database survey demonstrated that adding
a positive charge on a halogenopyridine ring increases the probability
that the halogen atom will participate in a halogen bond, although
for chloropyridines it remains below 60%. Crystal structures of both
protonated and
-methylated monohalogenated pyridinium
cations revealed that the iodo- and bromopyridinium cations always
form halogen-bonding contacts with the iodide anions shorter than
the sum of the vdW radii, while chloropyridinium cations mostly participate
in longer contacts or fail to form halogen bonds. Although a DFT study
of the electrostatic potential has shown that both protonation and
-methylation of halogenopyridines leads to a considerable
increase in the ESP of the halogen σ-hole, it is generally not
the most positive site on the cation, allowing for alternate binding