After early life, the dry weight of normal human lenses increases at a relatively constant rate with time.Transformation from soluble to insoluble material appears to occur at a comparable rate, resulting in a constant amount of soluble material. However, in cataract the insolubilization rate is accelerated. These observations are supported by determination of D-aspartic acid/L-aspartic acid ratios. The lens is composed primarily of protein which comprises most of the dry weight (7). It has been previously shown that the relative percentage of water-insoluble material increases with aging in both animal (8) and human (9-11) lenses and in the development of lens opacities (9)(10)(11) (14).The subunit polypeptides of 65-to 72-year-old cataractous lens protein were isolated from Sephadex G-150 and G-100 equilibrated with 10% HOAc and 7.2 M urea as described elsewhere (15). All polypeptides described were reduced and alkylated prior to their purification unless otherwise noted.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONWhen the total dry weight (water-soluble plus water-insoluble) of normal lenses is plotted against age, after the first few years of rapid growth an increase in apparent weight of approximately 0.4 mg/yr is found (Fig. 1). Similar results have been observed by Klethi (17). Determination of the dry weight of the water-insoluble fraction suggests that it increases at the same rate as the total dry weight. Such observations indicate that the absolute amount of the water-soluble fraction remains constant at approximately 30 mg, and the rate of conversion of soluble to insoluble material is constant in the normal lens. Thus, the percentage of insoluble material increases at a constant rate from about 2% at birth to approximately 50% by about age 70 years.When individual cataractous lenses were examined (open circles in Fig. 1), the total weight generally corresponded (within experimental error) to that of normal lenses of the same age group. However, the amount of the water-insoluble fraction in the cataractous lenses (solid circles) was dramtically greater than in the normal lenses, suggesting a more rapid conversion of soluble to insoluble material. Thus, it would appear that a relatively rapid loss of water-soluble protein may be correlated with lens opacity.The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U. S. C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.