The amino acid sequence of hemoglobins I (PI 6.15 as oxyhemoglobin) and II (PI 5.64 as oxyhemoglobin) from the nitrogen‐fixing root nodules of Parasponia rigida have been determined by protein sequencing. The sequence of hemoglobin I (PI 6.16, as oxyhemoglobin) from Parasponia andersonii was re‐examined and the corrected primary structure, now in agreement with that predicted from the DNA sequence, is reported. The three Parasponia hemoglobins contain 161 amino acid residues (Mr∼ 18700 including the heme) with a single cysteine residue and five methionine residues. The N‐terminal serine is blocked by an acetyl group. The primary structure of the Parasponia hemoglobins is highly conserved. Hemoglobins I from the two species of Parasponia are identical; both show microhetereogeneity at position 30 (Asp/Glu substitution) and hemoglobin I fom P. rigida shows microheterogeneity at position 150 (Ala/Val) while hemoglobin I from P. andersonii has only an Ala at 150. P. rigida hemoglobin II shows no microheterogeneity at these positions, having Asp and Val residues respectively, and it contains a single amino acid change of a Gln for an Arg at position 85, which accounts for the 0.5 unit difference in isoelectric point observed between hemoglobins I and II. The sequence data are consistent with allelic heterogeneity at a single locus rather than different genes.