At present, bulk liquid water on the surface and near-subsurface of Mars does not exist due to the scarcity of condensed-and gas-phase water, pressure and temperature constraints. Given that the nuclei of soil and ice, that is, the soil solid and ice lattice. respectively, are coated with adsorbed and/or thin liquid films of water well below 273 K and the avai lability of water limits biological activity. we quantify lower a nd upper limits for the thickness of such adsorbed/water films on the surface of the Martian regolith and for subsurface ice. These limits were calculated based on experimental and theoretical data for pure water ice and water ice containing impurities, where water ice containing impurities exhibit thin liquid film enhancements, ranging from 3 to 90. Close to the cold limit ofwat~.::r stabil ity (i.e. 273 K), thin liquid film thicknesses at the surface of the Martian regolith is 0.06 nm (pure water icc) and ranges from 0.2 to 5 nm (water icc with impurities). An adsorbed water layer of 0.06 nm implies a dessicated surface as the thickness of one monolayer of water is 0.3 nm but represents 0.001-0.02% of the Martian atmospheric water vapour inventory. Taking into account the specific surface a rea (SSA) of surface-soil (i.e. top I mm of regolith and 0.06 nm adsorbed water layer), shows Martian surface-soil may contain interfac ial water that represents 6 66% of the upper-and lower-limit atmospheric water vapour inventory and almost four times and . 13°/.,, the lower-and upper-limit Martian atmospheric water vapour inventory. Similarly, taking the SSA of Martian soil, the top I mm or regolith at 5 nm thin liquid water thickness, yields 1.10 x I OIJ and 6.50 x I OIJ lit res of waters, respectively, 55-325 times larger than Mars' atmospheric water vapour inventory. %, respectively, of the Martian atmospheric water vapour inventory. Thin liquid film thicknesses on/in subsurface ice were investigated via two scenarios: (i) under the idealistic case where it is asswncd that the diurnal thermal wave is equal to the temperature of icc tens of centimetres below the surface, allowing for such icc to experience temperatures close to 273 K and (ii) under the, likely, realistic scenario where the diurnal thermal wave allows for the maximum subsurface ice temperature of 235 Kat I m depth between 30°N and 30°S. Scenario I yields thin liquid film thicknesses ranging from II to 90 nm: these amounts represent 4 x I 0 6 3.0 x I 0 7 litres of water. For pure water ice, Sce nario 2 reveals that the thickness of thin liquid films contained on/within Martian subsurface is less than 1.2 nm , several molecular layers thick. Conversely, via Lhc cfTect of impurities a t 235 K a llows for a thin liquid film thickness on/within subsurface icc of 0.5 nm , corresponding to 6.0 x I 0 4 litrcs of water. The existence of thin films on Mars is supported by data from the Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs) Spirit and Opportunity's Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer instrumentation. which have detected increased levels of brom...