A mong the three popular classes of option pricing algorithms, latticebased methods (binomial and trinomial schemes) continue to enjoy great popularity due to their pedagogical appeal and ease of construction. A variant of the lattice-based method, called the forward shooting grid (FSG) method, has been successfully applied to price a wide variety of pathdependent options, like lookback options and Asian options.The FSG approach is characterized by an auxiliary state vector at each node on the lattice tree. The state vector is used to capture the path-dependent feature of the option contract, like the extreme value of the asset price achieved so far or the average value (geometric or arithmetic) of the asset prices.In construction of the FSG algorithm, unlike the finite-difference algorithms, it is not necessary to deal with the corresponding governing differential equation for the value of the exotic path-dependent option. For some types of path-dependent options, like the window Parisian option and the alpha quantile option considered here, it is not quite straightforward to explicitly derive the partial differential equation for the option value. In these cases, the FSG approach has an advantage over the finite-difference approach in construction of the option pricing algorithms.
I. FORWARD SHOOTING GRID ALGORITHMThe FSG approach was pioneered by Hull and White [1993] and Ritchken, Sankarasubramanian, and Vijh [1993] for the pricing of American-and European-style Asian and lookback options. A more systematic framework of the FSG method is presented by Barraquand and Pudet [1996]. Forsyth, Vetzal and Zvan [1999] study the convergence of the FSG algorithm in the pricing of Asian options and show that convergence of the numerical solutions depends in an important way on the method of interpolation of the average asset values between the lattice nodes.