Objective: The present study was conducted to investigate the histomorphological and histochemical postnatal developmental changes established in the pancreas of the domestic cats. Methodology: the study conducted on three different postnatal ages that were one week (suckling kittens), 4-6 weeks (weaned immature cats) and adult of one year and up cats. Macromorphometric measurements of pancreas were conducted and listed in tables. Histological sections prepared and stained by general and special stains. Results: Gross findings revealed that the pancreas of cat was of compact type, of two lobes connected by small central part. Critical macromorphometric changes observed at 4 weeks aged cats. The organ drains the pancreatic secretion toward the duodenum via main pancreatic duct. Exocrine portion more developed after birth than the endocrine portion; however both were faced developmental changes. The parenchyma provided with well duct system even in kitten. Ducts were surrounded by smooth muscle fibers invested in the connective tissue. Endocrine portion showed in kittens predominant α cells. Critical changes occurred at 4 weeks of age caused an increase of the number of ß cells so that the ratio of α / ß was changed. In adult cats the percentage of ß was predominant. In all studied ages of cats, the findings revealed the presence of well developed autonomic innervations represented by the presence of large autonomic ganglion, intramural ganglia and large sized Pacinian corpuscles. Conclusions: It could be concluded that pancreas was not fully developed at birth and weaning period caused critical development.Copy Right, IJAR, 2017,. All rights reserved. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………....
Significance of the study:The significance of the current findings can be categorized into two criteria. First of all, it was first investigation focused on the development of the pancreas postnatally of the domestic cats in veterinary field. The second criteria, as the pancreas of the cats showed morphological similarities to those of human especially the presence of Pacinian
ISSN: 2320-5407Int. J. Adv. Res. 5(2), 55-71 56 corpuscles, presence and distribution of α and β cells in the islets of Langerhans, such findings will be beneficial for public health and animal health and welfare.