The skeleto-musculature of the metathorax and first abdominal segment was studied in representatives from all 'symphytan' families. Forty-three informative characters were coded and scored. The distribution of character states are discussed with reference to recent cladistic treatments of the Hymenoptera. Previously unreported autapomorphies for the Hymenoptera are the separation of the metathoracic trochantins from the metepisterna and metacoxae, the position of the metafurca anteriorly on the discrimenal lamella of the metathorax and the presence of second abdominal sternum (S2)metacoxal muscles. The absence of metapleuro-S2 muscles is an autapomorphy for the non-xyelid Hymenoptera. Putative autapomorphies of the Tenthredinoidea are:(1) the presence of transverse metanotal muscles, (2) the subdivision of the second phragmo-third phragmal muscles, part of which arises from the metalaterophragmal lobes, (3) the posterior thoracic spiracle occlusor muscles arising from the mesepisterna, (4) the absence of trochantins and metanoto-trochantinal muscles and (5) the presence of elongate lateral metafurcal arms. Having the paracoxal sulci extending along the anterior margins of the metepisterna and the anterior metafurcal arms reduced are synapomorphies for all tenthredinoid families excluding Blasticotomidae. The presence of transversely extended cenchri with hooks on their entire surface is a putative synapomorphy for Diprionidae + Cimbicidae + Argidae + Pergidae. The clade Cimbicidae + Argidae + Pergidae is supported by the absence of metanotometabasalar muscles, the fusion of the first abdominal tergite (T1) with the metepimera and the absence of posterior metapleuro-metafurcal muscles. Autapomorphies of the Cimbicidae are the absence of the metalaterophragmal lobes and the metalaterophragmal-metafurcal muscles. Having the mesoscutello-metanotal muscle inserting on a projection from the anterior margin of the a Thickness of sections in transverse/longitudinal series, -series not made 189 Fig. 1A,B Macroxyela ferruginea (Xyelidae), metathorax. A Lateral view. B Ventral view. Mesothorax removed to reveal the anterior parts of the metafurcal arms and the metanotum in ventral view; cuticle severed along the anterior margins of the metapleura, as indicated by heavy black line. aba Apodemal part of the basalare, ac anapleural cleft, ai articular inflection, ama anterior metafurcal arm, anwp anterior metanotal wing process, aps anapleural sclerite, ce cenchrus, C2 mesocoxa, C3 metacoxa, di3 discrimen of the metathorax, eba external part of the basalare, epm2 mesepimeron, epm3 metepimeron, eps2 mesepisternum, eps3 metepisternum, lca lateral metacoxal articulation, lma lateral metafurcal arm, mca median metacoxal articulation, mfp metafurcal pit, mpa metapleural arm, mpr metapleural ridge, N3 metanotum, pcn paracoxal notch, pcs paracoxal sulcus, Ph3 third phragma, pn3 metapostnotum, pnwp posterior metanotal wing process, ps2 mesopleural sulcus, ps3 metapleural sulcus, pw metapleural wing process, sa subalare, sca scutellar ...