Background: Infants with trisomy 13 have a very high mortality rate. However, aggressive interventions for their complications, can improve their prognosis and may, thereby, increase the number of long-term survivors with trisomy 13.To date, there is no study on the psychomotor developmental progress of patients with trisomy 13. We conducted this survey to clarify the prognostic factors, living circumstances, and developmental status of infants the trisomy 13.Methods: Patients with trisomy 13 who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Jichi Medical University Hospital were enrolled. Their clinical data were investigated retrospectively using clinical records.Results: Nine patients with trisomy 13 were enrolled and divided into the early death (died at <1 year) and long-term survival (survived for >1 year) groups. All the early death group patients had severe congenital heart disease. Heart failure at under 1 year of age was associated with early death. All the long-term survival group patients underwent operations (e.g. tracheostomy or gastrostomy) and all used home nursing and/or a social care service. Three patients used home mechanical ventilation. None of the patients was able to stand alone or speak intelligible words. Two patients without severe brain anomalies were able to roll over, sit up, and smile by 3 years of age.Conclusions: Long-term survivors with trisomy 13 require extensive nursing and medical care. It is important to provide medical and welfare services to reduce the burden on families. In patients without severe brain anomalies, psychomotor development may be expected. However, no clear developmental prognostic factors were found.