Over the last decade, several studies have shown that regions with low oxygen concentrations are expanding over the world's oceans, a phenomenon which has been termed ocean deoxygenation (Breitburg et al., 2018;Levin, 2018;Stramma et al., 2008). These changes are driven by a combination of anthropogenic climate change and the natural variability of the ocean. As climate change warms the upper ocean it reduces oxygen solubility, increases upper ocean stratification and thus reduces oxygen mixing as well as induces changes in respiration rates (Levin, 2018). Natural ocean variability may also alter the oxygen supply as major climate fluctuations such as El Niño, the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Atlantic Meridional Mode change atmospheric and oceanic conditions over relatively long periods which makes it challenging to separate natural oscillations from longterm trends (Bryden et al., 2003). Disentangling the natural and anthropogenically-induced oxygen variability requires the use of models as prognostic or diagnostic tools, as they can be forced with different conditions which