Vicinal thallium-hydrogen coupling constants are used to discuss conformations in dicyclohexylthallium chloride, bis(4-methylcyclohexyl)thallium chloride and bis(4-tert-butylcyclohexyl)thaUium chloride. Thallium does not have a very strong preference for equatorial positions in dicyclohexylthallium doride, whereas bis(4-slkylcyclohexyl)thaUium chlorides exist largely in one conformation. Bis(4-methylcyclohexyl)thaUinm chloride exists in three isomeric forms; the major product appears to be the cis-isomer (equatorial methyl, axial thallium), with the other two isomers probably containing thallium trans to the methyl group (axial thallium being preferred). The preference for the cis-isomer (equatorial terr-bntyl, axial thallium) of bis(4-tert-butylcyclohexyl)thallium chloride is such that other isomers are not obtained.