The angular distributions of disintegration products from the reactions 0 16 (i,£)0 17 , Be 9 (d,£)Be 10 , and Be 9 (d,/)Be 8 were examined, with deuteron energies from 0.60 to 1.45 Mev. Pronounced asymmetry is found with respect to 90°. The results are analyzed to determine the relative contributions of stripping and compound nucleus formation. I T would be desirable to be able to make more definite statements about the question as to whether stripping or compound nucleus formation predominates in the reactions with deuterons of energies insufficient to overcome the Coulomb barrier. Therefore, the angular distributions of disintegration products from the reactions 0 16 (d,£)0 17 , Be 9 (d,£)Be 10 , and Be 9 (d,t)Be* with deuteron energies from 0.60 to 1.45 Mev were examined in order to determine the extent to which these two processes contribute to these reactions.The angular distribution of protons from the O 16 -(d,p)0 17 reaction, produced by deuterons of lower energies, has not yet been published except for 1.07-Mev deuterons on a slightly thick oxide target; the Be 9 (d,p)~ Be 10 angular distribution has been more investigated, but the Be 9 (d y t)B 8 angular distribution was measured only for deuterons of 1.3 Mev and below 0.62 Mev. [1][2][3][4][5] We examined the angular distribution of long-range protons and tritons at bombarding energies of deuterons of £<*=0.60, 0.80, 0.90, 1.00, 1.10, 1.20, 1.30, and 1.45 Mev. The bombarding deuterons were produced in the Cockcroft-Walton accelerator of the Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Kidrich" in Belgrade, whose ion source is of relatively high intensity. 6 The targets were M0O3 and metallic Be evaporated in vacuum onto a 0.005-mm copper foil. The weight of the targets was 0.136-0.260 mg/cm 2 . The target plates were placed at an angle of 45° to the bombarding beam. The angular distributions were measured from 0° to 170° at 10° intervals. The solid angles of 1.87X10-3 steradian for each interval were defined by square holes in a ring (150-mm diameter) which surrounded the target.The reaction products were detected by means of photonuclear emulsions placed around the target in such a way that each plate covered one of the solid angles. The average angle of incidence of particles on the surface of the emulsions was 10°. The plates used were Ilford C 2 , 100 /x thick. In order to prevent the r n ° r_ © © \ J