We study the four-top (tttt) final state at the LHC as a probe for New Physics (NP) effects due to new particles that couple predominantly to the top quark and whose masses are below the top-quark-pair production threshold. We consider simple NP models containing a new particle with either spin 0, spin 1, or spin 2, and find benchmark points compatible with current experimental results. We find that interference effects between NP and QED amplitudes can be large, pointing out the necessity of NLO contributions to be explicitly computed and taken into account when NP is present. We examine kinematic differences between these models and the Standard Model (SM) at the parton level and the reconstructed level. In the latter case, we focus on events selected requiring two same-sign leptons and multiple jets. We investigate how the different Lorentz structure of the light NP affects the kinematic hardness, the polarization, the spin correlations, and the angular distributions of the parton-level and/or final-state particles. We find that spin-2 light NP would be identified by harder kinematics than the SM. We also show that the angular separation between the same-sign leptons is a sensitive observable for spin-0 NP. The spin-0 and spin-2 NP cases would also yield a signal in ttγγ with the invariant mass of the photons indicating the mass of the new particle. The spin-1 NP would be identified through an excess in four-top signal and slight or not modification in other observables, as for instance the lack of signal in ttγγ due to the Landau-Yang theorem. We comment on the opportunities that would open from the kinematic reconstruction of some of the top quarks in the tttt state. Our results provide new handles to probe for light top-philic NP as part of the ongoing experimental program of searches for four-top production at the LHC Run 2 and beyond. and predicted cross-sections is µ tttt = σ meas tttt /σ SM tttt = 1.05 +0.52 −0.48 . Therefore, an enhancement in the four-top production cross-section due to NP contributions of up to a factor of 1.5 (2.0) is still compatible with the measurements at about 1 s.d. (2 s.d.) level.This article is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we describe a set of simple NP models containing new particles with either spin 0, spin 1, or spin 2, which couple predominantly to the top quark and whose masses are below the tt production threshold. We study existing constraints in these NP models arising from searches for di-photon (γγ) resonances and for four-top production, and we define suitable benchmark points in the model parameter space compatible with experimental results. In Sect. 3 we study the phenomenology of four-top production for some of these benchmark points. In Sect. 4 we present a discussion on the obtained results, and Sect. 5 contains the conclusions. We include three appendices to show more results on the full set of benchmark points, to describe the one-loop features of the NP models, and to summarize the numerical simulation details.