This article presents cosmological models that arise in a subclass of f (R, T ) = f (R)+f (T ) gravity models, with different f (R) functions and fixed T -dependence. That is, the gravitational lagrangian is considered as f (R, T ) = f (R) + λT , with constant λ. Here R and T represent the Ricci scalar and trace of the stress-energy tensor, respectively. The modified gravitational field equations are obtained through the metric formalism for the Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker metric with signature (+, −, −, −). We work with, with α, µ, k, γ, m and n all free parameters, which lead to three different cosmological models for our Universe. For the choice of λ = 0, this reduces to widely discussed f (R) gravity models. This manuscript clearly describes the effects of adding the trace of the energy-momentum tensor in the f (R) lagrangian. The exact solution of the modified field equations are obtained under the hybrid expansion law. Also we present the Om diagnostic analysis for the discussed models.