The time dependence of the anisotropy of fluorescence can indicate the coherent exciton transfer regime.We are comparing time development of this quantity after an impulsive excitation obtained for the ring models of bacterial antenna complexes with tangential and radial optical transition dipole moments arrangement as in nonameric LH2 and octameric LH4 units.We compare its decay for three models of uncorrelated static Gaussian disorder: in the local exciton energies, in transfer integrals and in radial positions of molecules. Dynamic disorder is taken into account simultaneously using a Markovian treatment of the interaction with the bath. The influence of dimerization in molecular local energies, the strength of dynamic disorder and the shape of spectral density on difference of the anisotropy of fluorescence is shown and discussed. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)