Background: Corrective hip surgery for cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) aims to improve hip function and prevent joint degeneration. The purpose was to compare muscle and hip contact forces (HCF) during squatting in cam-FAI patients before and after hip corrective surgery, and in healthy control participants (CTRL).Methods: Ten symptomatic cam-FAI male patients performed deep squatting pre-and at 2 years postoperatively. Patients were age, and body-mass-index matched to 10 CTRL male participants. Full-body kinematics and kinetics were computed and, muscle forces and HCF were estimated using musculoskeletal model and static optimization. Normalized squat cycle (%SC) trials were compared using statistical non-parametric mapping (SnPM). Results: Postoperative patients squatted down with higher anterior pelvic tilt (11-29%SC, P=.004), higher hip flexion (9-31%SC, P=.003) and greater hip extension moments (21-26%SC, P=.008) compared to preoperative FAI. Preoperative patients also demonstrated lower anterior pelvic tilt (7-9%SC, P=.023; 92-99%SC, P=.016) and lower hip flexion (87-97%SC, P=.008) compared to the CTRL. Postoperative patients showed increased semimembranosus force concerning their preoperative values (68-73%SC, P=.002). Preoperative forces were also lower than the CTRL for the adductor magnus (28-34%SC, P=.011), psoas major (49-58%SC, P=.