“…Antibody supershift assay+ Radiolabeled RNAs, wild-type 59 exon (lanes 1-4), L#456 (lanes 5-8), Up#6 (lanes 9-12), Up#2 (lanes 13-16), D#48 (lanes 17-20), and F1,F2-GT (lanes 20-24) were incubated with Kc nuclear extract for 30 min to allow complex assembly+ Affinity purified antibody was added after 30 min to the corresponding reactions as shown above each lane+ The free RNA (lanes 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, and 21) and RNA-protein complexes (A, B, and C) in the absence of antibody (lanes 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, and 22) are shown+ The supershifted complexes with anti- PSI (lanes 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, and 23) and anti-hrp48 (lanes 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24) antibody are marked with arrows+ RNA-protein complex formed by PSI, hrp48, and several other unidentified proteins on the high affinity Up#6 SELEX RNA may inhibit splicing by sterically blocking U1 snRNP binding to the accurate 59 splice site and thereby preventing assembly of a functional spliceosome+ This idea of a steric block to U1 snRNP binding is consistent with previous results in which the F1/F2 sites were moved away from the IVS3 59 splice site resulting in a loss of inhibition (Siebel et al+, 1992)+ Because PSI can directly interact with U1 snRNP through its C-terminal A and B repeats, it is also possible that stably bound PSI protein on high affinity SELEX Up#6 RNA may bring U1 snRNP to the 59 exon RNA element in the absence of a strong U1 snRNA-pre-mRNA interaction and the presence of U1 snRNP and PSI would block the binding of U1 snRNP to the accurate 59 splice site+ Therefore, the presence of a strong PSI-binding site alone upstream of the IVS3 59 splice site appears to be sufficient to inhibit splicing of P element IVS3 in vitro+ There are several other reports of splicing factors that recruit U1 snRNP to the pre-mRNA and stabilize U1 snRNP-pre-mRNA interactions+ The yeast RNAbinding protein Mer1p, which has a single KH domain, is involved in mediating meiosis-specific alternative splicing of the MER2 pre-mRNA (Engebrecht et al+, 1991)+ Mer1p, which is expressed only in meiosis, binds to the region downstream of the weak 59 splice site of the MER2 transcript to facilitate meiosis-specific splicing of this intron+ Mer1p associates with U1 snRNP in the absence of MER2 target RNA (Spingola & Ares, 2000)+ By dividing the Mer1p protein into two fragments containing either the C-terminal KH domain or the N-terminal domain, it is known that only the N-terminal domain can coimmunoprecipitate U1 snRNA and that the KH domain has no direct interaction with U1 snRNP (Spingola & Ares, 2000)+ The yeast U1 snRNP-specific protein Nam8p, which is stably associated with U1 snRNA, has been shown to be required for efficient recognition of weak 59 splice sites (Puig et al+, 1999)+ It has been shown that Nam8p also binds to the region downstream of the weak 59 splice site of MER2 pre-mRNA and stabilizes the U1 snRNA-pre-mRNA base pairing interaction (Puig et al+, 1999)+ The mammalian homolog of Nam8p, the TIA-1 protein that was first identified as an effector of apoptosis (Tian et al+, 1991), also has been shown to function in U1 snRNP recruitment to a weak 59 splice site in the human apoptosis signaling receptor gene Fas premRNA (Forch et al+, 2000)+ TIA-1 interacts with the region downstream of the weak 59 splice site in the fas gene intron 5 to promote splicing and inclusion of the downstream exon 6 yields an mRNA encoding a membrane-bound active form of the fas receptor+ Another example of potential U1 snRNP...…”