The notion that climate change may impact coastal fi sh production suggests a need to understand how climatic variables may infl uence fi sh catches at different time scales. Evidence suggests that the effect of climatic variability and fi shing effort on landed catches (as proxy of fi sh abundance) may vary at the regional scale. This study aims to assess the sensibility of two commercial species with a short life cycle (Engraulis encrasicolus and Sepia offi cinalis) to climatic and fi sheries effects across different regions of the coast of Portugal: northwestern, southwestern and southern Portugal. The effect of environmental explanatory variables, i.e. NAO index, sea surface temperature (SST), upwelling (UPW) index, river discharge, wind magnitude (WmaG), wind direction (Wdir), and fi shing variables (fi shing effort) on catch rates time series were studied between 1989 and 2009. The sensibility of the species studied to climatic variability differed among regions and were explained by different climatic variables. River discharge had a signifi cant effect on catch rates of the two species, region independently. However, wind driven phenomenon and UPW were the variables that better explained the observed fi shing trends across the three regions. Changes in catch rate trends among the studied regions, at a given time, were mostly associated with the reproduction periods of the species. Therefore, regional analyses will signifi cantly contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between climate change and coastal fi sheries, aiming to improve integrated coastal zone management.