“…One recent series of papers, building on early works by Kau and Rubin (1979), Kalt and Zupan (1984), Peltzman (1984Peltzman ( , 1985, and others, seek to estimate the relative importance or weighting of two sets of factors on legislator behavioraverage voter (or citizen) preferences and legislator ideology-in some cases also accounting for the effects of campaign contributions (Stratmann 1995(Stratmann , 1996Borck 1996;Levitt 1996), national party preferences (Levitt 1996), or electoral competition (McArthur andMarks 1988;Bender 1991;Coates and Munger 1995). Two main approaches to estimating voter preferences appear in this literature: either preferences are proxied as a linear combination of district-level economic and demographic variables, or they are measured by election returns or survey data, aggregated to the district level.…”