Sensory marketing is easy to manage and understand and is based on emotional and behavioral actions that are ideal for selling products and services. These are the actions that, through corporate marketing and design, create positive emotions and experiences for the consumer or consumer who associates sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch with the brand. It uses one or more of the user’s senses to entice and attract them to a product and service to become a customer. The article aims to investigate the expert’s opinion on how sensory marketing affects consumers. The article was prepared based on the analysis of scientific literature and the analysis of interview data. The study involved 13 experts, 6 women and 7 men, who work in the field of informatics, marketing, transport, business, trade communications. Sensory marketing is a solution that can create emotional qualities of a product and establish strong relationships with the consumer. Smell affects people’s behavior and emotions. The problem is that most marketing companies still focus on using video and audio.