1. A method has been developed for the estimation of testosterone in human urine by using acid hydrolysis followed by a quantitative form of a modified Girard reaction that separates a ;conjugated-ketone' fraction from a urine extract; this is followed by column chromatography on alumina and paper chromatography. 2. Comparison of methods of estimation of testosterone in the final fraction shows that estimation by gas-liquid chromatography is more reproducible than by colorimetric methods applied to the same eluates from the paper chromatogram. 3. The mean recovery of testosterone by gas-liquid chromatography is 79.5%, and this method appears to be specific for testosterone. 4. The procedure is relatively rapid. Six determinations can be performed by one worker in 2 days. 5. Results of determinations on human urine are briefly presented. In general, they are similar to earlier estimates, but the maximal values are lower.