In this paper we describe several adv(llllllges of integrating rhe declarative. logic-based language, Prolog, with conventional re/arional database managem ellf .\yslems. We thell explain a file conversion procedure which can be used 10 exchange in/ormation belu'een systems. 771e result is a research environment in u'hieh (h e liser can derive maximum benefit from bOlh Prolog and relational database systems.S o rne preliminary defini ti ons a rc in order before we proceed. First, a relati o nal database management system (hereafte r, RDBMS) is a database sys tem based up o n the data model of Codd [5]. On thi s accou nt , a ll database files must be represe nted as rectangular tables. where the columns correspond to attributes and the rows, tuples. Thus. we say that a given relati on, R. co nsists of tup les t t, t2 .... t n defined with respect to a ttributes al,3 2 .... , am' Tuples in a Codd re la tion th ereby corres po nd to records and attributes to field s, in th e pa rla nce of traditio na l file management sys tems.Further. there are so me addit io nal requ irements of legitimate relat ions. Fi rst, relationa l fi les must be 'Oat'. That is. eac h tuple must contain the same number of va lues, and be defined ove r th e sa me se t of a ltri b utes. In addit io n, a ll relati ons must have so me su bset of attribu tes which unique ly define a ll tuples (t ha t is, they must have a primary key). Lastly, re latio ns must be ' normali zed' in orde r to avoid maintenance anoma lies. Whi le relational normali zat ion is defined in terms of six levels [5, 9. 10] we need only conce rn o urselves with the fi rst three. alOm ic formula , 'Pj', where P stands for the pred icate 'is ta ll' whilej stands for the s ubject constant, J o hn. In addition to predica tes and consta nts, predicate logic a lso conta in s th e quantifi ers ' th ere exists' (3) and 'fo r a ll' (V) a nd a denumerable set of quantified va riab les designated by lower-case. final lellers of the Roman a lphabet with or with o ut sub-and super-scripts.The recursive definition of well-formed predicate logic expressions is thus: H. L. Berghel is with the Department o/Computer Science. University 0/ Nebraska. We wi ll say that an a ttribute, B, is/ullctionallydependem upo n a not he r a uribu te, A, if and on ly if for each tuple in the relation, th e va lu e of A uniquely determines the va lu e for 8. For example, a database may co nt ain Social Security numbers and names. Since we can always determine the lauer from the former, we say that names a re functionally depend ent upo n Socia l Secu rit y numbers.A transilive/un crional dependency of C up o n A ex ists if and o nly if C is functionally dependent upon Band B is functionally dependen t upon A, for a tt ributes A, Band C. Further, C is!II11r!lInclionoll,, dependenl upon A and B if and o nly if C is functio nally dependent upon their combination, but no t up o n ei ther, indi vid ually.We will rest rict o ur discuss ion to relations in Third Normal Form (3NF) [5]. A rela ti o n is in 3NF if and...