Abstract. We are looking back on 30 years development of periodic space partitioners (PSP) and their relations to their periodic relatives, i.e. minimal surfaces (PMS), zero potential surfaces (P0PS), nodal surfaces (PNS), and exponential scale surfaces. Hans-Georg von Schnering and Sten Andersson have pioneered this field especially in terms of applications to crystal chemistry. This review relates the early attempts to approximate periodic minimal surfaces which established a systematic classification of all PSP in terms space group symmetry and consecutive applications in a variety of different fields. A consistent nomenclature is outlined and different methods for deriving PSP are described. Characteristic structure factor sets which solely define PNS by can be used to discriminate structure types of a given symmetry or even to determine complicated crystal structures. The concept of PSP relates space group symmetry, topology, and chemical bonding in an intriguing way and tessellations on PSP which can be generated in a straight forward way allow to predict new framework types. Through transformation of such continuous topological forms a new entry has been found for understanding and interpreting reconstructive phase transitions. Finally we indicate the importance of PSP models for soft matter science.
History and developmentMinimal surfaces are a middle aged problem in mathematics mostly addressed since the 19 th century, but constitute an eternal fascination for humans probably since the earliest days of conscious thought. The intriguing fascination of soap bubbles is related to a deep feeling of harmony and beauty, the priming of which we simply do not know [1]. It may be due to a comprehensive intuitive understanding of the world without concrete knowing just like the feeling of harmony which is created by the golden ratio and five-fold symmetry. Why does the most irrational number 1 induce such a state of comfort in human minds? We do not know, just as nobody knows why the fine structure constant approaches more and more the value 1/137, the denominator being 33 rd prime number. To solve this question was the last great goal of Wolfgang Pauli who was not only a great physicist and mathematician but also stressed the importance of intuitive solutions to physical problems, amongst others by dreaming [2].A mathematical treatment of minimal surfaces goes back to Lagrange's work in the 18 th century which resulted in the Euler-Lagrange equation [3]. In the 19 th century the experiments of J. Plateau contributed much to mathematical research on such objects and led to the formulations of Plateau's problem which turned out to be unsolvable in general analytical form. The quest for deriving minimal surfaces and periodic minimal surfaces as well as for their analytical formulation increased by the end of the 19 th century especially by H. A. Schwarz [4] and in the beginning of the 20 th century by D. Hilbert [5]. Hilbert was not only one of the greatest mathematicians of modern age but also a mathematical puri...