The method of numerical modeling of wave scattering by periodic impedance grating is considered.
In the case of a harmonic dependence of the field on time and the uniformity of the structure along a certain axis, the three-dimensional problem reduces to considering of two 2D problems for the components of the E-polarized and H-polarized waves.
The signle nonzero component of the electric field created by the incident E-polarized wave is the solution of the boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation with Robin boundary conditions.
It follows from the physical formulation of the problem that its solutions satisfy the Floquet quasiperiodicity condition, the condition of finiteness of energy in any bounded region of the plane.
Also, the difference between the total and incident fields satisfies the Sommerfeld radiation condition.
Following the ideas of the works of Yu.V. Gandel, using the method of parametric representations of integral operators, the boundary-value problem reduces to two systems of integral equations.
The first one is the system of singular equations of the first kind with additional integral conditions. The second system consists of the Fredholm boundary integral equations of the second kind with a logarithmic singularity in the integrand.
A discrete model for various values of the discretization parameter is equivalent to systems of singular integral equations. By solving these equations, approximate values of the main field characteristics are determined.
The method of parametric representations of integral operators makes it possible to obtain systems of integral equations of other types.
In particular, the initial boundary-value problem reduces to a system consisting of hypersingular integral equations of the second kind and the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind.
A numerical experiment was conducted for cases of different location of tapes.
Calculations were performed for the proposed model and the model based on hypersingular equations. They showed the closeness of the obtained results in a wide range of parameters studied.