The objective of this study is to describe the composition of the carbonate elements from the upper Albian–Cenomanian Postăvaru Conglomerates. Eight sections were studied. Two major types of conglomerates are identified in the field and thin sections: polymictic orthoconglomerates and paraconglomerates. Carbonate clasts are dominant in both types of conglomerates. Other subordinated clasts are composed of quartzites, sericite-chlorite schists and gneisses. Facies data allow reconstructing the depositional environments, while microfossil assemblages were used to establish the age of the studied carbonate clasts. The identified microfacies characterize a large variety of depositional environments, ranging from basin to shallow water environments (platform margin and inner platform depositional settings). The identified microfossil associations are indicative for three biostratigraphic intervals: Kimmeridgian–Tithonian, Tithonian–Berriasian and Berriasian–? lower Valanginian.