This work could not have been realized without extensive support and effort of professionals and friends that believed in the project during the many years since 2012.My plan to study the IT systems in organizations in healthcare has been made possible by IT architects that opened doors for me to the Princess Máxima Center, Ziekenhuis Rivierenland, the Carintreggeland organization and GGZ Nederland. I am grateful to Ronald de Vries, René Verschoor, Jos Geesken, Richard Derks, Cees van der Zwaag and Martin van der Meer of Code24, not only for their inspiring words, but also for their support in organizing meetings with IT experts.During the project I have been lucky to meet with many researchers at the Landelijk architectuur congres (LAC) and the openGroup conferences for sharing their thoughts and doubts with me. Many conversations have not been included in the research, e.g. the contacts with Midwifery Netherlands (KNOV) and Angela Verbeeten.Theoretical insights were formed in discussions with Simon McGinnes in Exeter about conceptual independence and in meetings with Nam Suh and scientists at the conferences of axiomatic design.I thank friends, colleagues and students that have contributed, Christian Köppe, for introducing me to Viking PLOP and Willy Koning, Emiliano Heyns, Laura Kaiser, Albert Geurtsen and Ria van Kessel for helping out with chapter 7. They have read and evaluated lists of terms that pop up in open source software to determine whether they were healthcare-related or not. Students of the Bachelor of ICT study developed prototypes and tools for application in the research. I would also like to thank Ulrike Goossen for accompanying me to European conferences and being a good friend.Then, in the last stage of the project, many professionals in IT in mental healthcare (GGZ) gave their time and informed me about their work. The interviews with these IT professionals provided essential information for the study.I really appreciate the time and support of Hans Davids, who designed the book cover and set the text in the new lay-out, and the advice of my two aces in English language, Lidy and Niko Berndsen, who helped to improve the text of the publication.From the start and during the course of the project informal discussions with Cor Baars were very valuable for me. And last but not least, I am grateful to the supervisors that have guided me into the scientific community, René Bakker, Rogier van de Wetering, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Stef Joosten and Stijn Hoppenbrouwers. These supervisors were tireless in reading my papers in different versions and providing helpful feedback.Thank you all.
ReferencesList of publications Summary Samenvatting Curriculum Vitae
Conceptual independence and reusability of softwareIn this section the principle of CI will be described in the context of a long line of research of reusability of software. Traditionally the flexibility of IS has been researched in database systems and systems that depend on feedback from business actors in the organization. In this section...