Difficulties in algorithmic simulation of natural thinking point to the inadequacy of information encodings used to this end. The promising approach to this problem represents information by the qubit states of quantum theory, structurally aligned with major theories of cognitive semantics. The paper develops this idea by linking qubit states with color as fundamental carrier of affective meaning. The approach builds on geometric affinity of Hilbert space of qubit states and color solids, used to establish precise one-to-one mapping between them. This is enabled by original decomposition of qubit in three non-orthogonal basis vectors corresponding to red, green, and blue colors. Real-valued coefficients of such decomposition are identical to the tomograms of the qubit state in the corresponding directions, related to ordinary Stokes parameters by rotational transform. Classical compositions of black, white and six main colors (red, green, blue, yellow, magenta and cyan) are then mapped to analogous superposition of the qubit states. Pure and mixed colors intuitively map to pure and mixed qubit states on the surface and in the volume of the Bloch ball, while grayscale is mapped to the diameter of the Bloch sphere. Herewith, the lightness of color corresponds to the probability of the qubit’s basis state «1», while saturation and hue encode coherence and phase of the qubit, respectively. The developed code identifies color as a bridge between quantum-theoretic formalism and qualitative regularities of the natural mind. This opens prospects for deeper integration of quantum informatics in semantic analysis of data, image processing, and the development of nature-like computational architectures.