The cryosphere web portal maintained by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway),, provides access to the latest operational data and the current state of sea ice, snow, and permafrost in Norway, the Arctic, and the Antarctic. We present the latest addition to this portal: the operational permafrost monitoring at MET Norway and methods for visualising real-time permafrost temperature data. The latest permafrost temperatures are compared to the climatology generated from the station’s data record, including median, confidence intervals, extremes, and trends. There are additional operational weather stations with extended measurement programs at these locations. The collocated monitoring offers daily updated data for studying and monitoring the current state, trends, and the effects of, e.g. extreme climate events on permafrost temperatures. Temperature rates obtained from the long-term records in the warmer permafrost found in Norway are typically 0.1 °C to 0.2 °C per decade. In contrast, in the colder permafrost of the High Arctic on Svalbard, a warming of up to 0.7 °C per decade is apparent. The operational monitoring provides information faster than ever before, potentially assisting in the early detection of, e.g. record high active layer thickness and pronounced permafrost temperature increases. It may also become an important cornerstone of early warning systems for natural hazards associated with permafrost warming and degradation. Currently, data are submitted manually to the international Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost and are scheduled for integration with WMO operational services through the WMO Global Cryosphere Watch.